Use case #2:
Fahr Grün

Have a look at the interactive Prototype

Project Description

FahrGrün! is a gamification app that rewards users with points for each ride they take on public transportation. The app was developed to encourage more people to use public transportation and reduce the number of cars on the road.

The app uses a point-based system where users earn points for each ride they take. The number of points earned depends on the time traveled and the ticket they have purchased.

The app also includes a leaderboard that shows the top group of users with the most points. Users can compete against each other to see who can earn the most points and climb up the leaderboard.

In addition to earning points, users can also redeem their points for social projects. Users can donate their points to community projects such as planting trees, building a eco-friendly playground, cleaning up local parks, or supporting sustainable transportation initiatives. This feature will help to build a sense of community among app users and encourage them to use sustainable modes of transportation more often.

The rewards help to motivate users to continue taking public transportation and earn more points.


To create an inclusive and responsive App that increases the motivation of users to take the public transportation by rewarding local social projects. 

Time Frame: March 2022 – March 2023

Client: Nordhausen County

Role: UX Design, UX Research, UI Design

Tools: Figma, Adobe Creative Cloud, Google Forms


My journey during the design process is a non-linear practice, where information was gathered, hypothesis and goals were set, review, rewrote, developed, and tried again before creating visuals, and reviewing them again. 


The analysis Iincluded mobility Apps like Jelbi, Fairtiq, Deutsche Bahn, Point.rewards programs, like PayBack, bahnBonusProgramm or Hytch rewards, and White Lable solutions with companies like Mobimeo or Hacon.

I follow the SWOT model (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) as well as a UX Analysis.


- Existing apps offer a variety of options 

- Mobility apps focus on functionalities such as trip planning, location, routes, time table, digital tickets

- Point based Programms focus on accumulate points to later exchange them for gifts or discounts


-The existing applications are mainly functional, and the type of reward is an exclusively material motivation, and they do not create awareness among users on environmental issues

Overall, the combination of limited coverage, fewer options, lower demand, and greater car ownership make it less convenient and less necessary for people in small cities to use public transportation as a mode of transport.

After researching the diferent reasons, the conclussion was to increase the number and frequency of current users and provide a reward program hat benefits different social projects. 

Analyzing users’ behavior is a very important stage in the UX Design process. We can have an idea of a problem, but we can not be sure exactly what is what users want, what are their pain points and what they enjoy until we talk with them.

During the user research, I run different tests, including interviews, surveys, card sorting, and show participants low-fidelity prototypes to hear their feedback and prove or change my hypothesis of possible solutions.

Remote and in-person interviews as well as workshops run during the research fase gave interesting inputs into the project.


Based on my research and results from the user survey and interviews, I created different user personas to represent my target users. 

Focusing on current car drivers who want to use more public transportation and users who want to get benefits directly from point-based reward programs.

The input from participants that took part in this research method, help me to organize the information architecture of the app's content and create a Sitemap as a visualization tool.

After defining the different aspects and functionalities for the app, it was time to start sketching some wireframes, testing them, and improve them.

Taking into consideration many of the suggestions from participants some changes were made in the Design. 

This process gave also very positive feedback concerning the visuals, so I started to create the Style Guide and Design System for the App.

Let’s get in touch!  😎

Feel free to contact me for project opportunities, or just to say hi!